Deck Family Farm produces a limited number of heritage turkeys every year for Thanksgiving. This year, we raised 180 bronze and broad-breasted whites.
You can purchase your turkey directly through the CSA or on a page on our website. Read on to learn about the purchasing procedures.
Type:Â Available in BRONZE or WHITE
Size:Â Medium (12-17lbs) or Large (18-22lb)
Medium WHITE: 12-16 pounds - $108
Medium BRONZE: 10-16 pounds - $126
Large WHITE: 17-20 pounds - $126
Large BRONZE: 17-23 pounds - $144
Here is how CSA memberw order a turkey:
CSA members have two ways to purchase:
Buy your turkey through the CSA store.
Purchase from the website with a 10% member discount
CSA purchase:
âž³CSA ordering will be available starting on October 7, for delivery on October 12th.
Turkeys purchased and delivered through CSA channels will be treated just like a normal CSA order:
The CSA price is 10% lower than the non-member price
You will pay in the cart with your balance or with your credit card
Your turkey will be delivered along with your normal order items. So, if you place the order in October, your turkey will be delivered in October. Make sure you can store it in your freezer until Thanksgiving.
Please be ready to receive the turkey at drop-off/pick-up: This means making sure you put a cooler with ice outside your door if you won't be home for delivery, and that you have room in your freezer or refrigerator.
Website purchase:
We also have a webpage devoted to turkey sales, open now. There, you can place your order and make a credit card payment, and then we will deliver your purchase on November 23rd, the Saturday before Thanksgiving.
PLEASE NOTE: This option does not allow you to use your CSA balance to pay.
COUPON CODE: CSA members can enter CSATurkey24 to get 10% off the website/retail price.